Summary and Response Essay VS Exploratory Essay

I took a great interest in learning about Literature and Psychoanalysis after taking this class as it allowed me to see writing through different lenses. As the semester progressed I was able to have a deeper understanding of how to psychoanalyze literature. As I continued writing my “Summary/Response Essay”, “Exploratory Essay” and “Researched Critical Analysis” papers I became more familiar with rhetorical terms and my writing came closer to aligning with the course learning outcomes. Through my writings you can see the progression of my writing style from the beginning of the semester till the end. Through these two essays you can see how my writing has improved from the “Summary & Response Essay” to my “Exploratory Essay” you can see that my writing becomes more complex and synthesized, unlike my summary and response essay which was somewhat basic and lacking in understanding. My paragraph structure also improved as it was able to focus on conveying my topic sentence better since it did not go off track unlike the S/R which began to go off-topic every so often in the paragraph and each paragraph also had one argument that it was conveying. There was also an improvement in the transition of my body paragraph as you can see transitional language being used in my “EE” unlike the “S/R” and statements such as “Therefore Edgar Allan Poe, illustrates Freudian’s concepts of wishful impulse and hysteria which are displayed ” and “As the short story “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe progresses.” which allows the idea in my essay to flow smoothly was seen which greatly improved my writing as a whole and was not seen in my earlier writings.

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