My ability to compose a text that Summarizes, evaluates, and synthesizers can be demonstrated through my most recent “Researched Critical Analysis paper where I go over James Baldwin “critique on society of the importance of music by creating an escape from the suffering faced by African Americans in Harlem. Throughout the text, you can see my ability to summarize as I accurately describe situations in Sonny’s blue such as “This also illustrates the behaviors that the narrator shows as he too can’t escape the past and neglect the present reality by having a fixation on how the past was was” which is a summary of a quote that I wrote in my reading which allows me to refer to information in the text very easily and allows me to remember concepts and ideas. This process of summarizing quotes also helped me find the main idea for my research paper as it helped me connect different situations very easily and made ideas more distinguishable. My belief is to evaluate sources if it states “Through this statement, we can see that through music Sonny finds the same gratification he found when using heroin. Sonny has finally been released from his addiction to heroin and can replace drugs with music finding a better and healthier outlet.” This demonstrates my ability to evaluate quotes as this statement goes over the purpose for the author to write this quote which was to show Sonny’s transformation has a character as well as creating an argument stating that Sonny capable of giving up heroin for music. My ability to synthesize can also be seen as throughout my paper I connect different sources such as articles and documents to connect to Baldwin’s critique of the society as stated in the writing “According to the “Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis” Freud states, “We know of a far more expedient process of development, called ‘sublimation’… their sexual aim for another one which is comparatively remote and socially valuable.” (Freud 2238). This concept by Freud is found in Sonny’s behaviors throughout the short story. We can see Sonny’s trade and his impulses of addiction to heroin into something socially valuable and beneficial to him. This change can be seen as Sonny’s character develops.” This demonstrates my ability to synthesize two different sources into one thesis statement. In this situation, I used both “Sonny’s Blue” by James Baldwin and “Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis” by Sigmund Freud and synthesized them to prove that Sonny is becoming less dependent on drugs. This is a major improvement from my previous works especially from my Summary/Response essay as my synthesis would look like “which shows the doctors lack professionalism as they should understand the importance of mental illness and how it affects people.” which is a major disservice to my main idea as this synthesis does not connect the lack of professionalism seen in doctors with the yellow wallpaper as there is no reference to it either nor is there a reference to the main idea. Not only that my evaluations of quotes were very broad in general and not connecting to my main topic which shows that it needed improvement
Summary, Evaluation, Synthesis
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