Develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing.

In this image, you can see my peer review on a classmate’s work which demonstrates my understanding of a Course Learning Outcomes to draft, read, and revise. In this image, you can see how I’m able to fully understand my classmates’ arguments and demonstrate my abilities and help them revive and understand how to better their writing. In this image, I point out situations where my classmate could have considered different points of views as well as situations where a different train of thought would help develop their writing such as when I suggested the introduction of “Sonny’s escape from a circle of struggle” which correlated with the writer’s way of thinking. This type of analysis on someone’s paper is a major improvement for me because usually, I tend to restrict myself to the questions that are provided for a peer review but in this situation where I was giving informal peer reviews, I was able to more freely give unique and helpful critique on their paper on top of the questionnaire. I was not only able to point out how my peer would be able to go out there formatting errors but also be able to help improve it unlike at the beginning of the semester where I would never give suggestions on how to fix their formatting since I was not confident in my knowledge of formatting paragraphs at the time. I also improved my strategy for reading and drafting as I began ahead of time highlighting and returning to previous quotes to connect situations as creating a document for only quotes that were impactful and had important meanings which allowed me to create ideas and concepts for my essays very easily. The image above shows this is something fairly concept that I started doing which was very helpful to me as I would usually take hours to continuously look overall my annotations to try and connect different situations but developing this new strategy allowed me to save a lot of time as well as make great connections between instances and create my thesis very easily as it was just a puzzle board with very few pieces.

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